What does the Rehabilitation Program include?

Per chiunque desidererà aderire al percorso di Prevenzione e Riabilitazione Cardiovascolare verrà prima eseguita una visita cardiologica per valutare il vostro stato di salute cardiologico e uno screening dei fattori di rischio cardiovascolari.  In base all’esito di tali esami e alla vostra storia clinica viene pianificato un programma di riabilitazione altamente personalizzato strutturato secondo le direttive SCPRS (Swiss group of cardiovascolar prevention, rehabilitation and sport cardiology).

The Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Program lasts 3 months and includes:

    • 2 cardiological assessments
    • Monitoring during motor activity
    • 36 sessions of motor physiotherapy
    • 4 walks outdoors
    • 12 sessions of relaxation techniques and conscious breathing
    • 9 practical and theoretical meetings with the individual and group dietician
    • 3 practical meetings in the kitchen with the dietician
    • 7 training sessions
    • 2 meetings with the psychologist
    • 4 meetings with smoking cessation counseling

All the meetings will be organized so that they can be conducted in maximum peace of mind according to their work / family needs. It will be a path in which we will help you manage stress and it will be our concern not to be a source of further emotional and managerial tensions. The team of experts at your disposal and will guarantee you constant professional help to accompany you towards the rediscovery of the well-being and health of your heart.